Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Review from German Music Blog

So here is a review from a German blog . 
Here is it translated:
What do you need for a good song? DAR STELLABOTTA needs only one guitar, the bass drum and her voice. 'Herb Lady' sounds so pretty rough, every now and then we have to think about The Subways and White Stripes. The song and 8 more can be found on their album 'One Woman Jam'. So who's on the guitar, this bass drum and Dar Stellabotta, should definitely listen.

Original link: http://welovethat.de/2017/dar-stellabotta-herb-lady/

Order or listen to the CD here www.darstellabotta.com

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Review from Anotherwhiskeyformisterbukowski! A french music Blog!

So I translted this review for everyone but please do check out the original link as well. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017 

Dar Stellabotta made the blues on a guitar that she made herself

Dar Stellabotta is a blueswoman who made her own guitar with a cigar box. Alone on stage with a bass drum on which she beats the rhythm and voice to the nasal accent, the artist has released a full album of feeling early. Big crush!

Miles away from my usual passions, Dar Stellabotta is an artist who won me over immediately. I watched the video of 'Herb Lady' and I loved this sound that reminded me of the first albums of Ben Harper, Brother Dege music and of course Muddy Waters. Like the latter, Dar Stellabotta play the Cigar Box Guitar, an instrument whose trunk is a cigar box. The young woman has made herself this instrument, she explains the methodology on its facebook page and if you are not handy enough to build your own instrument, Dar Stellabotta also sells. A first album called One Woman Jam was released in September 2017 with nine titles organic and full of feeling. For my part, it is with 'Herb Lady' I discovered the disc, and even if I then had a big crush on 'Barren' or 'Grim Reaper', I still propose to start with 'Herb Lady', because the artist was loaned to an exercise in style by offering YouTube amplified version and an acoustic version of the song. We listen to the amplified here:

Of course, it's more fun in pictures (with the acoustic version of 'Herb Lady', but there is also a video of the amplified version): https://youtu.be/OETpcGJA3Pk

In addition to the immediate pleasure of listening, I also like the Dar Stellabotta project because it shows you can be a one-woman band and render a rich and rhythmic atmosphere without appeal to electronics to overcome the lack of a drummer. In the purest tradition of the men of the Orchestra, Dar Stellabotta has need of a speaker, an amplifier, a microphone, her cigar box guitar and her bass drum to pulverise the filly.

If you share you're fan of Phil Collins

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Great plug from Adobe and Teardrops!

Please check out this blog everybody. They got it going on over there, spreading the love of the Universe. Adobe and Teardrops A must for all music lovers.

"Herb Lady" is a complete shredder played on Stellabotta's homemade cigar box guitar.-Adobe and Teardrops

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Footage from Front Porch Fest 2017

Thanks to Festy Westy for the feature!

"Dar Stellabota rocking her handmade cigar box guitar on the Frontporch stage at Frontpocrh Fest 2017. The guitar is playing through her Honeytone amp and she is keeping the beat with a handmade stomp box out of another cigar box. Find her online at www.darstellabotta.com and https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticalMer...." -Festy Westy

Photo from AM set. Photo by Virginia (SuddenShrines)

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

First Review for "One Woman Jam" by Bluesbunny

I have always had a fondness for the simple things in life – beer, for example – but the reality is that even the simple things in life require skill if they are to be made worthwhile. Taking that thought into the world of music leads me neatly on to Dar Stellabotta and her album “One Woman Jam”.
Dar Stellabotta, it would seem, has made an album using only a homemade cigar box guitar, a kick drum, some distortion inducing electronics and her own spirit. With such limited opportunities for musical expression forced upon her by her choice of instruments, it would be wrong to expect anything approaching virtuosity or, indeed, complexity yet there is an appealing directness – one might even say honesty - to her approach that proves refreshing to ears normally numbed by volume maximisation and sequenced standardisation.
Her voice falters more than few times over the course of this album yet this is easy to overlook as her focus and, dare I say it, humour carry the tune for her. The evidence? The pseudo country “Sludge Truck” is enough to make anyone want to (temporarily) join a convoy while “Tractor” taps the American dream for inspiration and power chords. However, the best song here is actually the most obvious in terms of content but that does not stop Dar Stellabotta from unexpectedly launching “Beautiful Star” into the indie pop firmament.
In summary, “One Woman Jam” is more than sweet enough for me.

First Fan song:)

Sunday, July 30, 2017

CD Release show coming up! Next Sunday!

Next Sunday I will be having my CD Release party at Sacchetti Music Store 7 Oxford Way in Huntingtown MD from 12-5pm. This is a free public event that will also be a open mic and swap meet, where you can buy sell and trade. The first people to show up will get a hand screen printed (by me) poster that is signed and numbered.

We will have shirts available in black and white, in regular Ts and racer back tanks.

If you are interested in attending here is the Facebook event link here. We will have many great musicians playing at this show. Musicians such as Nontroversy, Ren Rick, John Luskey, Chulo and many more that will performing at the open mic. So remember this is a free public event in Huntingtown MD at Sacchetti Music Store Aug. 6, 12-5pm 
Dar Stellabotta CD Release/ Swapmeet and Open Mic.
It will be a great time, hope to see you there! 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

New Videos and CD Release Show!

Here's my songs Herb Lady and Huntingtown, they are on the new album. If your interested please come out to Sacchetti Music Aug 6, for the release party/ swap meet/ open mic. This is a free event open to all. This is the FB event page https://www.facebook.com/events/243665359470431 This is a live original song from my new album One Woman Jam. For more info please visit www.darstellabotta.com The instrument I am playing is a cigar box guitar that I made with a Honey Tone Amp.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

My tribal designs featured at the CSM Art Show!

I recently had my tribal designs featured in the College of Southern Marylands Art Show. The photo is my friend Emma Williams and I. Emma is also a artist she does a web comic and also did the cover of Dirty SoMD Demo. These are screen printed designs white ink on black fabric. You can purchase these patches on my web site https://www.etsy.com/shop/MysticalMerchantHut 

New Demo!

Cover art by Emma Williams.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

New Cigar Box Music Video and Demo for free download!

"Herb Lady" Cigar Box Guitar Music Video

"Cigar Box Guitar Demo"